Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 28 and 30 and 31: I DID IT!!

(I committed to practicing yoga each day in the month of January as part of World Yoga Practice Month. I tracked my progress here in this blog and also at my World Yoga Practice Month Page)

Still feeling under the weather so haven’t been out to blog much. I am proud to say (or perhaps shout) I DID IT!! I practiced every day in the month of January. I have always been quite dedicated to doing something most days, but I can honestly say I would not have done anything the past few days when I was feeling sick if it hadn’t been for woyopracmo.
Even though I have been feeling less than my best, I have still been meditating and sitting on my mat. I was inspired by a fellow yogini, Nona, who brought her mat to the hospital when she had an overnight procedure done! (I especially liked the part about doing a headstand the moment the iv was out – THAT is inspiring!)

For the month of February, we are all setting a goal for ourselves. Mine is to deepen my meditation practice. I will let you know what happens.

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