Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 16: That’s My Yoga Girl!

Today I did lots of yoga and ahhhh….does it feel great! These are the days in which I remember exactly why I do what I do and feel the deep gratitude for 5000 years of wisdom. I woke early to a japa and meditation session. Then I taught a private yoga session. I have a great story to share from today.

This afternoon I did a workout video with my daughter. I love to do all kinds of exercise and I want to get my children excited about it, too. My daughter loves to “dance” with exercise videos so dance we do! Today we did the strengthening section of the video. When it was over, we were ready for more. On this video there is an aerobic portion and a yoga portion. I just assumed she would want to do the “dancing” so I suggested we do that section. She hesitated and then just agreed. My girl really likes to please others so sometimes I have a hard time finding out what she really wants and not what she thinks I want. I wanted to do what she wanted to do and I also wanted to help her voice what she wanted to do. I had her close her eyes and tell me what her tummy said when I said, “dance” and “yoga”. She opened her eyes with a big smile and said, “It wants yoga!” I laughed and said, “that’s my yoga girl!” So yoga we did…

I am off to my evening forward folds and Savaaaaasana.

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