Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Funny Zacky Story

I was up early this morning to do my breathing practice before my children were up. I often use the podcasts I have on my website (so my own recordings) to guide me in my breathing. So, here I was in the middle of our living room, listening to my own voice talk myself through a breathing series. My four year old son, Zack, woke up and came to find me. My children know that when I am in the middle of a breathing practice they can’t touch me (it throws off the energy balance). So this little cutie snuggled next to me without touching my body at all and rested his face in his hands to watch my screen saver. There he sat for at least 10 minutes, not saying a single word.

That in itself is a cute story, but it gets better! My daughter, Sierra, (6 ½ years), then woke up and came out to find me. She whispered to Zack, “What is Mommy doing?” He replied in the loud whisper of a child, “Whatever she tells herself to do.”